Hip replacement surgery can seem daunting, but with the right preparation and expertise, it can be a smoothly navigated process that offers a significant improvement in quality of life. Dr. Mark Wagner from ROC in Oregon takes a moment to share with you what goes into a successful hip replacement and how we at ROC provide a patient-centered experience that prioritizes your well-being and recovery.

The Intersection of Technology and Personalized Care

The cornerstone of a successful hip replacement lies in the precision of the procedure and the personalization of the care. At ROC, we harness the power of the Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Surgery system, which allows us to plan and execute hip replacements with unparalleled accuracy. This technology enables Dr. Wagner to tailor the surgery to the intricacies of your anatomy, ensuring that each hip replacement is as unique as the individual receiving it.

A Testament to Our Success

The power of our approach is best illustrated by the experiences of those we’ve had the honor of treating. One such story stands out—a testament to the transformative nature of the work we do:

🙏🏻 “YOUR PRAYERS ARE BEING FELT AND ANSWERED! My mother’s total hip replacement surgery was a mere 1.5-hour outpatient procedure, utilizing Dr. Mark Wagner’s expertise and the precise Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Surgery technology at Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center. Not only was the joint replaced, but they also corrected a leg length discrepancy, adding 8mm of length to her left leg—a truly miraculous feat!”

The Recovery: A Home-Centered Approach

The recovery process is as critical as the surgery itself. The ROC team and Dr. Wagner emphasize a recovery plan that extends beyond the confines of the hospital. Patients like Lee are able to return to the comforts of their own homes on the same day as the surgery, which we believe is crucial for a swift and more comfortable recovery. At home, patients can listen to their body’s needs and wants for movement, often leading to a quicker return to strength and mobility.

Your Active Role in Healing

Recovery is a partnership between the patient and the medical team. As you rest at home, we’ll provide you with the tools and guidance necessary for an active recovery process, including physical therapy and strengthening exercises. It’s this partnership that enables patients like Lee to regain their mobility and enjoy a quality of life they may have thought was no longer possible.

Gratitude and Moving Forward

Each patient’s journey reaffirms our commitment to providing the highest standard of orthopedic care. We are continually humbled and inspired by the stories of recovery and are deeply grateful for the trust our patients place in us.

If you’re contemplating hip replacement surgery, know that at ROC, you will find a team that is as invested in your recovery as you are. We’re here to ensure that your journey to a new hip is paved with the support, expertise, and care needed to restore your active lifestyle.

Should you wish to discuss your options and learn more about our approach to hip replacement, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at ROC. Together, we can take the first step towards a future where each step is pain-free.

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