Snapping Hip Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments with Dr. Mark Wagner at ROC


Snapping Hip Syndrome can be an unsettling experience, often characterized by a popping or snapping sensation in the hip when walking, running, or rising from a seated position. Dr. Mark Wagner, a hip specialist at ROC, offers his expertise in diagnosing and treating this condition, ensuring that patients receive the care they need to restore comfort and function. 

What is Snapping Hip Syndrome? 

Snapping Hip Syndrome occurs when a muscle or tendon moves over a bony prominence in the hip. This condition is often classified into three types based on the location of the snapping: internal, external, and intra-articular. The syndrome is common among athletes and individuals who engage in repetitive hip motions. 

Common Causes 

Dr. Wagner explains that the underlying causes of Snapping Hip Syndrome can vary: 

  1. Tight Muscles or Tendons: Overuse or tightness in the muscles and tendons around the hip joint can cause them to snap over bony structures. 
  1. Hip Misalignment: Structural abnormalities or misalignment in the hip joint can contribute to the snapping sensation. 
  1. Labral Tears or Cartilage Damage: In some cases, a labral tear or other intra-articular issues may be responsible for the snapping. 

Symptoms to Watch For 

Patients often describe a popping or snapping sound accompanied by a sensation that something is catching or moving in the hip joint. While it may be painless for some, others experience discomfort, swelling, or limited mobility. Dr. Wagner emphasizes that these symptoms should not be ignored, especially if they impact your daily activities or athletic performance. 

Effective Treatment Options 

Dr. Wagner’s approach to treating Snapping Hip Syndrome at ROC is comprehensive and personalized: 

  1. Sports Medicine: Stretching and strengthening exercises are often the first line of treatment, aimed at relieving muscle tightness and improving hip flexibility. 
  1. Activity Modification: Avoiding or modifying activities that trigger the snapping can help reduce symptoms. 
  1. Anti-inflammatory Medications: Over-the-counter or prescribed medications can alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. 
  1. Injections: Corticosteroid injections may be used to reduce inflammation and provide temporary relief. 
  1. Surgery: In rare cases, when conservative treatments fail, surgery may be considered to address underlying issues such as labral tears or structural abnormalities. 

Seeking Professional Help 

If you’re experiencing symptoms of Snapping Hip Syndrome, Dr. Wagner advises scheduling a consultation for a thorough evaluation. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the condition from worsening and help you get back to your regular activities with confidence. 

At ROC, Dr. Mark Wagner is dedicated to providing expert care for all hip-related conditions. With his extensive experience and commitment to patient well-being, you can trust that you’re in capable hands