Identifying Trochanteric Bursitis a.k.a. Hip Bursitis

Identifying Trochanteric Bursitis a.k.a. Hip Bursitis

Greater trochanter bursitis also called hip bursitis is a common problem caused by ...
Ease Pain and Restore Mobility After Gluteus Media Tear 

Ease Pain and Restore Mobility After Gluteus Media Tear 

A gluteus medius tear is a condition characterized by severe strain on the gluteus medius ...
Symptoms & Treatment for FAI

Symptoms & Treatment for FAI

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition where there is too much friction in the hip ...
5 Questions When Evaluating Total Knee Replacement

5 Questions When Evaluating Total Knee Replacement

Knee replacement surgery may be recommended when patients have advanced arthritis, significant ...
5 Questions to Ask During a Shoulder Replacement Consultation

5 Questions to Ask During a Shoulder Replacement Consultation

Shoulder replacement surgery is not exclusive to athletes. While athletes may undergo shoulder ...
The Importance of Arthroscopy When You Have Joint Problems

The Importance of Arthroscopy When You Have Joint Problems

Whether you suffered an injury and have severe joint pain or you’ve spent years struggling ...